Follow These Simple Tips To Completely Disable Ads From MIUI 10
Step 1: Disable “msa” (MIUI System Ads) app in “Authorization & revocation”
Xiaomi users are first advised to disable the “msa” app, which one will find in the Settings menu. You then have to tap on Additional Settings > Authorization & revocation. Here you will see msa, which you need to turn off as it will then stop collecting data from your phone, and it should also reduce the number of ads scattered across the system. Do note that to disable msa, your Internet should be on. Additionally, you might struggle to revoke the authorization in the first attempt, so just keep trying 4-5 times even if you witness “Couldn’t revoke authorization” message.
Step 2: Disable Personalized ad recommendations
After revoking it, head to Settings > Additional Settings > Privacy > Ad services > Personalized ad recommendations > and then turn it off. Setting this option off will not stop ads recommendation, but at least it will not suggest you ads based on your behavior or personal data. Also, do not fail to turn the off User Experience Program, which is an Ad identifier.
Step 3: Disable ads recommendation in Mi Browser, Mi Security, and Mi Music apps
Step 4: Disable ads from the File Manager
To remove those pesky ads from your File Manager, you need to open the app first, then tap on the top-left three-line icon, select Settings > About, and turn off the recommendation option.
Step 5: Disable ads from Mi Video, MIUI Themes
Step 6: Disable ads from the Downloads app
You can disable ads in Downloads apps by moving to the Settings section and turning off Show recommended content.
Step 7: Block ads from Cleaner app
cleaner app, you need to disable the same recommendation option by tapping the brush icon, which you will find on the top-right corner of the app. Then head to Settings section (icon on the top-right side), and turn it Off.
Following these steps, you can get rid of those annoying ads. You can go ahead and give it a try, and do let us know if the above-mentioned steps helped you.